Monday, January 3, 2011

pop art

Pop art first appeal in Middle of 1950 in British and in the late in United State. Begin of this pop art is a conversation between intellectual and artist, on institute of Contemporary Arts in London, they want to challenge the popular modern art on that time. Pop art artist use images of mass culture, such as advertising, comic book and mundane culture object. It is represent kind of popular culture. In the United States while under the influence of modern civilization has emerged as an international art movement, and many upper-class image of society to show. It reflects the younger people who growing up after World War, what they are cultural values and what to express themselves.
Pop art also influence a lot of fashion designer, they are find idea from pop art. Pop art feature such as mass culture, short time, Easy forget, Cheap, A lot of produce, Young...

Most popular pop artist
Andy Warhol(U.S), Richard Hamilton,Keith Haring,David Hockney,Jasper Johns


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