Monday, November 8, 2010


Impressionism began in France in the mid 1800s. Impressionism fascination with light and movement was at the core of their art. Monet, Sisley, Morisot, and Pissarro may be considered the "purest" Impressionists, in their consistent pursuit of an art of spontaneity, sunlight, and colour.

In my opinion of the movement, the impressionism just like camera which can take most beautiful second picture, and become forever memory. But it does not have focus point in the picture. I like Pissarro-Boulevard Montmartre at Night, They have some space could like people to think. Is it this is sunny night or it is rainy night. I quite like Impressionism art work, because it only draw a normal thing such as: river, people, garden... The movement give you a beautiful view.


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